Clinical Canine Massage is an effective, vet approved, therapy offering relief to dogs with soft tissue injuries and orthopaedic conditions
Clinical Canine Massage is a powerful therapy which offers resolution of painful soft tissue injuries and issues, that occur in the muscle, tendon, ligament or fascia. Just like humans, dogs can incur soft tissue injuries at any age. Issues can come on suddenly, as the result of accident or physical trauma, or can present over a longer period of time due to repetition of certain activities, such as ball chasing.
Clinical Canine Massage can also help to provide relief to dogs with orthopaedic conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Hip Dysplasia and Spondylosis. These conditions can put the dog’s body under additional strain, resulting in pain and discomfort.
Whether your dog is suffering from injury or an orthopaedic condition, Clinical Canine Massage could provide benefit in just 1 to 3 sessions.
Common soft tissue injuries/issues
Strains - a tear to the muscle and the most common muscular injury; can occur at any age
Trigger Points – Hyperirritable bands in the tissue that cause referred and local pain
Myofascial Pain – a chronic pain disorder caused by connective tissue restrictions which surround nerves
Overcompensation – weight shifting from areas of injury or arthritis which create new areas of painful tension
Protective Muscle Splinting – commonly associated with the muscle having to work too hard due to orthopaedic issues, such as Hip or Elbow Dysplasia
Common Orthopaedic Conditions
Osteoarthritis / Arthritis
Hip Dysplasia
Elbow Dysplasia
Luxating Patella
Cruciate Ligament Damage & (Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy) TPLO procedure